John-Michael Howson has good reason to be pissed off that this bozo is in the Liberal Party. Heres what “Hollywood” Howson has to say:
Curtis has described Gays as being diseased perverts. In a very polite way and I do mean “polite” I took him to task on 3AW. He did reply politely but with the usual ignorant nonsense that spouts from the mouths of fundamentalists (of all faiths). However, there has been absolutely no condemnation from anyone in the Liberal Party. There has been nada, zilch, about this creature in Lalor.
Although I am more of a Libertarian who believes in small government and flat taxes I have gone out on a limb to support the LNP coalition and John Howard because, lacking a Libertarian party, it’s a choice between big government and massively bigger government, so I’ll stick with the Libs. I am probably a lone voice in the arts but I do know many Gay men who do vote Lib although the militants are all pro-Labor.
My friends are all boringly middle class, home owners who are too busy having a life and doing what most other Australians do to involve themselves in the radical Gay agenda BUT you can imagine how many feel when this creep says something about “diseased perverts” and there is no reaction by the Liberal heirachy. Are we second or third class citizens? Are they willing to ignore Liberal or potential Liberal voters in favour of a despicable religious bigot and his ilk?
I am now going to have to consider my stand. I could not support Labor but my conscience will not allow me to support a party that allows an ayatollah like Curtis to get pre-selection and also be a delegate to the state council. As you know I am not a militant Gay activist but I refuse to be insulted, demeaned or degraded by people like this Curtis person. It is a matter of human dignity.
Now, the Gay world embraces a lot of people: People who live on the wild side to people who just want to live quiet, unassuming lives. The Mardi Gras crowd are as alien to me as Triffids but I will stand up for their right to be what they are without being targeted with abuse that, in fact, can lead to violence against them. I pointed out to the reverend that I have NEVER met a Gay man who just decided to be Gay. It is not a decision one makes and if this is what nature intended then we must be part of some plan.
The Liberals aren't the only party with homophobic bigots. There this Family First candidate in Queensland.
The Family First candidate in the far north Queensland seat of Leichhardt, Ben Jacobsen, has apologised for trying to make an opponent's sexuality an election issue.
Mr Jacobsen told a newspaper that Liberal candidate Charlie McKillop should tell the electorate if she is a lesbian, because it reflects the kind of values that will guide someone if they are elected to Parliament.
In a statement Mr Jacobsen says he regrets making the comments and he apologises for the hurt and offence they caused. He says they do not reflect the views of Family First.....
Perhaps the Liberty & Democracy Party people might want to send Howson a how to vote card.
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