Sunday, December 19, 2010

Merchants push for internet taxation

Solomon LewImage via Wikipedia

Right. So Soloman Lew from Premier  Invest wants to tax online sales. God knows how much he has made over the years from importing merchandise. But apparrently we can't have ordinary people benefiting like that can we:

SYDNEY (Dow Jones)--Retail magnate Solomon Lew slammed the Australian government's inquiry into online shopping Sunday, saying the move doesn't constitute "decisive policy action" and that there is an "urgent need" to address taxation on online purchases of less than A$1,000.

The recent strength of the Australian dollar, the rise in international outlets shipping to Australia and a mixed start to the holiday shopping season has prompted retailers to call on the government for action on the issue of taxing online shopping. The government responded by announcing a Productivity Commission review this weekend, but Lew said Sunday that is an insufficient response.

Hope the Productivity Commision tells him to f*** off.
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